My Dream Job Etwinning Projemiz

Projemiz okulumuz İngilizce öğretmeni Yasemin Ertuğral tarafından yürütülmektedir.

This Project is for the middle school students. They will not only learn names of the jobs but they will also learn what they do and use, where they work, what the required job personality traits are, what their dream jobs are etc. They will also meet new web 2.0 tools and by learning to use them they will improve their technological knowledge which is an asset in the 21st century. They will make new friends, have chance to talk with them in English, work cooperatively to form common final products and observe that learning English can be really fun.


Haberin devamını okumak için buraya tıklayınız.

Van Erciş Ahmed - İ Hani Ortaokulu

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