Sharing İn The Blanks

Short Description


During the pandemic process,we stand alone by ourselves a lot and forget some human values and now time is sharing and enjoying together.With this project we turn back the time we share a lot,interact more and have a hearty laugh before pandemic.

Therefore,we would like to make a Project that we are going to;

1)By making happiness puzzle,we want to develop our students'creative,schematic,visual and communicational skills.

2)By changing roles,we want to develop our students'empaty skill.

3) With celebrating activities we want to develop our students'creative,schematic,visual skills.

With scamper and padlet activities we want to develop their tecnological skill.

While making all our activites we will use English as a language and we want o develop our students'foreign language skill.






Pandemi süreci boyunca birbirimizden çok uzak kaldık ve
bazı insani değerlerimizi unuttuk.Şimdi,bu projeyle tekrar paylaşmayı ve birlikte olarak eğlenmeyi hedefledik.Projemizle zamanı geriye alacağız ve daha çok şeyi paylaşacağız.Pandemi öncesinde olduğu gibi kalpten güleceğiz!

Haberin devamını okumak için buraya tıklayınız.

Kayseri Talas Şehit Akın Sevli Ortaokulu

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