If You Can Dream It, You Can Do It



This project is for our students to be aware of what they can do for the world we live in and to gain a more tolerant perspective towards our world.


With the activities we will do during the project, I aim to increase the students' awareness of the world they live in and to make them aware of their duty and responsibility towards the world. I aim to create environments that will enable our students to discuss what they can do on issues such as environmental pollution, recycling, living things in our lives and natural life. While doing these, it is among our goals to develop, implement and explain new ideas, to be open and compatible with different perspectives, to determine questions to produce effective solutions, to conduct scientific research and to use technology as a tool in this period.


Our project "If You Can Dream It, You Can Do It" is about to start. However, schools in Turkey are closed due to Coronovirus. So, it seems that there will be delay in our Project activities.


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